Saturday, 24 April 2010

Finished Home Page / Evaluation

All of the buttons play an animation and a sound effect when they are moused over. 
Looking at it on it's own, I've realised it isn't clear that they are all stories. So I think it could have benefited from some text in the middle, maybe a speech bubble saying choose a story or putting the word stories on the logo like on Jim's.
However I am happy with how the buttons turned out. The sound effects I couldn't find on Garage Band I had to make with my sister's and my voice and cereal. The ghost woooo is my sister with an echo added in audacity, the frog's ribbet is just me, the cake one I made by crunching a shreddie and the eggs cracking were from crushing a cornflake.

I think that children would enjoy scrubbing over all the buttons to hear all the sound effects played over each other, and the circular layout is perfect for this! I did think about having the buttons all moving around bertie, ferris wheel style, but then I thought it would be a bit too much with the animations and sound effects all going on. The background animations I did use are quite subtle  so as not to distract from the buttons.

Story HTML page

Here is one.

If I had some more time I would improve this as it is pretty plain. The back to home button was done at the last minute and therefore rather basic. But it is animated and it works. I would not change the background colour though, because I think it is important that all the focus is on the actual stories. A simple footer would have been good for navigation between stories without having to go back to home.


I am very pleased with my project on a whole.  I am glad that I was able to make changes after the critique including adding a start page, credits and extra interactivity to improve the story.

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