Tuesday 13 October 2009

Packaging Yourself - New Project

For this project I will be researching conventions used in product packaging and using them to make my own packaging based around my name. I will be looking at
  • Colours
  • Graphics
  • Typography
  • Logos
  • Layout
At the end of the project I will have produced a 3D representation of my packaging, made using Illustrator.

At the moment I am deciding between making a box for:

  • Tissues
  • Cereal
  • Tea
  • Ready meals
  • Cereal Bars
I think that the ready meal would be the hardest to make, because from looking at the Sainsburys, Iceland and Birdseye websites I've noticed that they all have photographs of the food on them, which would be hard to make as a vector image, without using live trace.

Tissues and tea would be easier, because they are not advertising how they look, because people don't really care what thier tea bags look like, and tissues all look basically the same inside the box.

From looking at the sainsburys website tissue section I can see that the graphics on tissue
boxes are mainly feminine colours and photos of soft things - feathers, flowers, water ripples etc. The main exception is the Kleenex 'Mansize' tissues, which are clearly marketed to men, with the dark, metallic look and block capitals reassuring customers that the new pack still contains mansize tissues.

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