Wednesday 1 June 2011

Finally AT Meadowlands Festival

Last weekend was the actual Meadowlands Festival! Me, Sam and Kirsty went and took loads of film and photos and ate lots of pizza.

We did a few panoramas, here's Sam setting one up in the main arena before the site opened

Pretty Campsite. Glynde Place in the background

the AMAZING camera obscura. Sam's got a video

Car park funtimes!

In the main Stage tent before it opened


Sam taking 'notes' with Abi Wade

Sam, Abi Wade, Joel from gentleman starkey and me


Gentleman Starkey
We got loads of video of this on two cameras but it's a nightmare to match them up

Chris (?) An act during the BANG SAID THE GUN Meadowlands Slam

Soundharvest Stage

Forgot their name Pope Joan
They posted this on their Facebook!

The mystic swing.
We went on this, it was fun and then horrible

Painted rainbow man

Kirsty! This is Sunday now.

Abi Wade

Kirsty filming Jo Harman, I fear i spoke all over the recording :S

There's Jo
Some of these pictures and some other ones I put on our Meadowlands Festival Flickr I also submitted some to the Meadowlands2011 Flickr groupPosted by Picasa

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