Tuesday 5 April 2011

Website Workings

Illustrator version of the mockup I did the other day:

Today me and Simon worked on the wireframe some more.

We've condensed the main navigation bar down from 7 sections to 5
And made it nice and modern and that. Now It's time for me to make it as a mock up. Then I'l give it to Simon and he can do all the coding ;D

More illustrator mockups. Nearly there with the top one. Louis is working on the background colours, gradient and footer image. The sponsors that are currently in the footer will be moved to a new sponsors page as in the current www.meadowlandsfestival.com site. That means a new button needs to be put on the nav bar too.

Once I've made a pixel perfect photoshop version, Simon can splice it up for the new Wordpress site. I'll do that in the morning.

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