Wednesday 23 March 2011

Next Job - Redesigning the main site navigation with Jessie and Louis
Me and Louis looked at the lineup pages for V festival and Reading Festival. They use the bands' logos and grid layouts.
We should drop the hover menus and make it easier to get to the lineup like on the Reading site:
Reading have an A-Z button as well as a list arranged by stage and day.
And V Festival have the lineup right on the home page - 0 clicks away!
I don't think the lineup is as important to Meadowlands because the bands aren't as well known and it's all about the atmosphere and the range of acts performing.

Could get rid of the side-bar? Or definately redesign it. it doesnt need the links to all the blog posts because everything should be accessable from the banner.

Still need twitter bar, facebook button, radio reverb button. Maybe button?

Simon says:
960px wide
Home page should be 700ish px long - most important things above the fold
avoid using plugins

Client says:
keep logo, borders and all branding.

Colours need to be the same too, or v similar.

Don't have wide columns of text, they are hard to read and look minging.
Would be nice to have a carousel like these to show the latest pictures/videos/features.

but that would probably require a plugin which Simon said aren't good because Alison, who does the website using Wordpress, won't be able to maintain it in the future.

Lineup Page Plan

--Update-- We are going to do this after Easter and concentrate on the videos first.

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