Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Post Festival Videos

At Meadowlands we took looooads of footage. So far I have uploaded four videos to youtube, and I plan to upload more - even though the project is over and the deadline's been and gone, I think it would be a shame not to use it all. I'm hoping to make a Gentleman Starkey video using all the clips that me and Sam took - this was too hard to do before the deadline because it was such a mission to match up all the random clips from the 2 cameras. I'd also like to incorporate some of the interview footage from Yellowfish studios into a promotional montage-type video to promote the 2012 event.

Videos On Youtube

Abi Wade - Roulette

Abi Wade - C'est La Vie

Jo Harman - Bless Ma Soul

Jo Harman - Better Woman

I think this one was the best, me and Kirsty both filmed the whole song, so I could choose the best shots all the way through. I did this using the multi camera monitor in Premiere Pro:

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Finally AT Meadowlands Festival

Last weekend was the actual Meadowlands Festival! Me, Sam and Kirsty went and took loads of film and photos and ate lots of pizza.

We did a few panoramas, here's Sam setting one up in the main arena before the site opened

Pretty Campsite. Glynde Place in the background

the AMAZING camera obscura. Sam's got a video

Car park funtimes!

In the main Stage tent before it opened


Sam taking 'notes' with Abi Wade

Sam, Abi Wade, Joel from gentleman starkey and me


Gentleman Starkey
We got loads of video of this on two cameras but it's a nightmare to match them up

Chris (?) An act during the BANG SAID THE GUN Meadowlands Slam

Soundharvest Stage

Forgot their name Pope Joan
They posted this on their Facebook!

The mystic swing.
We went on this, it was fun and then horrible

Painted rainbow man

Kirsty! This is Sunday now.

Abi Wade

Kirsty filming Jo Harman, I fear i spoke all over the recording :S

There's Jo
Some of these pictures and some other ones I put on our Meadowlands Festival Flickr I also submitted some to the Meadowlands2011 Flickr groupPosted by Picasa

My Portfolio Site

Initial Ideas
I tried to make the bottom middle one on the computer but it ended up being this:

In this design the homepage is the video page, with only one video - my showreel.

All the black would be fixed and in front of the page content using the Z index in CSS so when you scroll, you get to different videos or images, and its as though your looking through some kind of blobby hole into the light of my portfolio.

After the crit I changed the navigation to Home, Projects and Showreel
Using a generic projects page instead of segregating them into web, motion and print means that I can have projects that combine two or more of the web/print/motion categories and means that I can have a nice long page of work - I'd only have two things in the 'web' section.
Contact information will be on the homepage so I don't need that on it's own page.

The screenshot above has a new shaped blob, this is so that the navigation buttons can touch the top, in the same way that HARRY WINTER does at the bottom.
It's horrible now though.

Coding it up

Here's the makings of my website. This is when I got @fontface working. This will allow anyones computer to display the font that I want without having to resort to nasty images. The font I chose is called Folk. It's free to use under creative commons licence.

I downloaded the kit from which provides the font in all the different formats that different browsers want.
Then the CSS points to all the files.

After a while I realised the site looked better without the blob:

So I took the blob image out of the code and made a black background and borders:
This is the homepage before I realised I didn't have time before the deadline to make a showreel.
I then changed the 'showreel' buttons to 'blog'
and I put some better pictures in.

The projects page has the same layout as the homepage, it just goes on longer:
When you click on a project, you get a page like these.

I used a "showcase" class in the CSS to centre this content:

Here's a link to my site as it is now!

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Business Card

I wanted my business card to match my website design and also make it easy for people to find the website.
I used the same font and silhouette/ block black and white style. On the back is a QR code that I made using a generator at
When this is scanned by a smartphone it directs the phone to If people don't get that though its alright because they can just type it in off the front - it's not long.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

How Should I Get To Meadowlands?

How should I get to Meadowlands? from Harry Winter on Vimeo.

Vimeo don't mind that I've used 6 Day Riot's song :)  (yet)  Shh don't tell them!

Mockup 39

Gradient now the same as the current site, new headings with coloured backgrounds. Sponsors in the sidebar in black and white so as not to spoil the colour scheme.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Promo Video

We're all making promotional videos for meadowlands festival to go on the youtube channel. Mine is here:

The audio is wrong :(

Mockup 33

Is it finished?

More Website Changing

So this is where we were at last time I blogged about the website:



Now making the mockup in photoshop because it allows you to be more precise with selections, so i can make accurate margins etc. for Simon to implement in the CSS.
Floaty banner removed.
Social media reduced to Youtube and Facebook (is there going to be any content on and flickr?)
Sponsers moved from footer to their own page to reflect the current site.
Orange brightens it up!


Reduced the size of the logo because when i tested opening it is a jpeg at actual size in my browser, there was hardly any room for content above the fold:
Made some banners on the top right  - based on those on the existing site:
Made social media buttons square as in the original sketch.
Got an S curve below the sidebar - Simon's idea to make it blend in better.
Quite like the effect of the site sitting on the field.
issue of it being a soft line in a very crisp, hard edged design(?) 


Simon suggested I tone down the colours and pointed me to an article about making colour schemes on Smashing Magazine. It said you should have 5 colours for your site. 2 of them are neutrals for text and background, and the other three should be chosen carefully using the colour wheel.
Toned them down:
Also got a nicer image for the footer, but its not Meadowlands, I got it off google :/


Tried using the flowers to make it more in keeping with the printed branding but it looks a bit messy.
Got a nice blue tit sitting on the nav bar though.
Footer is now hills.
Removed the curve at the bottom of the side bar.
Six social media buttons now! after discussing in class. (yes there will be content on and flickr) and we need a twitter button, not just the feed, and radio reverb has to stay because they are closely linked with Meadowlands.


New brighter colour scheme & video on home page.
After reading some of Designing Interfaces by Jenifer Tidwell and showing the mockup to my Mum. I decided that there wasn't enough showing the general vibe of the festival; who its for, whats it all about? And what else to show but our promo videos!

A lot of people visiting the site wont know much about the festival, and probably wont know many/any of the bands, so rather than having the lineup as the first thing they see, they should really see a video about the atmosphere / range of bands / location. Perfect

Would be nice to have it show a different video on each reload, don't know if thats possible in wordpress. All of the videos will be available in the gallery section also.


More thinking about colours. Discussed with Simon, used Kuler to pick the main colours from the latest Meadowlands poster: 
Really new colour scheme. Taken from the latest poster.
Also, centered the logo - experiment but I prefer it.
The font is still Futura, but the weight is Medium, rather than condensed medium that I was using before. Now it's the same as all the official branding. 
Starburst! Louis made a starburst using the colours from the poster which livens it all up.
 The sidebar is now semi-transparent. Simon thought that it would look good with the burst background. Which it totally does!


Another colour scheme - using this poster as a guide:

New when/where banners:

It's still not finished, I'd like to have some more birds, bees and buttercups. And daisies. But they look a bit rubbish cut out from jpegs - which is how I'm getting them at the moment.
Should probably mock up the other pages too D: