Thursday 20 May 2010

Seagull Attack!

My Idea for a Crash Bang Wallop video is:

1) Girl goes on the beach with a bag of chips. All is well.

2) Then a seagull swoops down and takes a chip! All is bad.

I think this will fill 15 seconds and i can have sound effects like the sea, waves crashing, crunching chips, stepping on the stones and of course the seagulls! The girl (my sister) will scream as well when the seagull takes her chips.

I intend to film the part where the gull takes the chip by setting up the camera with the chip bag in front as a close up so you can't tell that the bag isn't in my sister's hand. Then I'l walk away and let the seagull steal it. Hopefully I will be able to edit it all together to make it look realistic. I will also use a seagull-eye-view for when it swoops down to take the chip by filming it hand held.

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