Saturday 16 January 2010

Evaluation of my Time capsule and some screenshots

Overall I think that my project was okay. The best part was probably my first poster, of the Burj Khalifa and I was also pleased with the leaflet, which took a lot longer than I expected. I didn't manage my time well during this assignment and had to rush the essay resulting in something that didn't fit the brief. 

Next project, I decided, I will do the essay before the fun part so I don't leave it till the end again.
This project taught me about colour management (CMYK and RGB) and the problems it can cause:

This is what happened when I imported RGB images into my CMYK document. (The blacks are different)

I also learned to use a combination of software:

I made the shapes for the Burj Khalifa in Illustrator and then stylised them in Photoshop using the dodge and burn tools. The background was a gradient made in photoshop that i then live traced in illustrator.

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