Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Handmade Advertising

I've been looking on ibelieveinadv.com for recent handmade adverts. Here's some:

"Glassing. Sunglasses for immatures." Theres also a TV version

Childish hand-drawn picture would stand out against other adverts and make the brand look fun.

Volkswagon. The Road
Don't know what this is trying to say, but they've used textured images to look all nice and touchy feely.

BBC Knowledge 'Honk if you're human'

Usave 'Live Fast Save Young'

Not handmade, but uses textures to pretend to be.

MCEL MFW Mozambique Fashion Week: National Geographic

I love these! The colours look extra vibrant next to each other. I don't know how these were made, but I like it.

The American Cancer Society: Am I Collective, Dan Funderburgh

VERY hard to read but looks nice up close. Like the fade from happy colourful on the left to grey horrible smokey land on the right.


Maximidia show how the cutting edge of today will quickly fade to old fashioned and out of date by illustrating them 1950s(?) style. The illustrations are very contempory but I don't think the text looks authentic enough, it looks like vectors and the strokes on Skype and Twitter look too modern.

Omo Washing Powder: Dirt is Good
Omo (Persil) have really gone to town with the handmade splashy, textured, 'real' paint idea that the brief talks about. Without making the image 'for real' the advert wouldn't work, you can never really get the look of 'dirt' by purely using software.

CEAT SUV Radials
Takes the wild out of the wilderness

Uses happy, friendly, childish plasticine to show how SUVs "take the wild out of the wilderness".  Nice artwork to make you think SUVs are too.


With this advert Tetley are going back to their old, well known advertising campaign that they abandoned in 2001, the Tetley Tea Folk. The graphics may be clearer now, with digital effects like the semi transparent tea and the distorted reflection in the tea urn, but they still look hand drawn and hand painted. 

Monday, 1 November 2010


In this project I will be making 'real' artwork, by hand and then using the computer to turn it into:

  • 30 Second Animated Advert
  • Billboard Advert
  • Full Page Magazine Advert

I will use an existing brand of alcoholic drink, with its current packaging and logo in the advertisements.
The adverts need to look hand made and old fashioned.

I expect to use a combination of Photoshop, Illustrator and After Effects, and maybe a stop motion program.

Which Drink?

I went to Waitrose and was surprised by how many of the drinks are old fashioned looking anyway. Here's some that I liked the look of:

When we got the brief I thought of doing Australian wine so I could use images of kangaroos and surf boards. Unfortunately all the Wine labels were really boring compared to the beer and spirits so that put me off. Maybe it could be a challenge to try and make boring wine bottles look exciting?


I like these because they are very obviously using Victorian styling on the lables and the names like Dandelion Lemonade are well old fashioned.

"Our Botanically Brewed Beverages are, to this day, a step back in time."
Says their American website.

Adnams Broadside:

Like the boats and colour scheme.


Sol would be an easy one to do because they're already using handmade looking, old fashioned imagery (like on their website above) I really like their logo and branding, and I could use mexican things like the beetle and cacti and things that people will think are cool.

Chambord is a liqueur packaged very extravagantly in an orb shaped bottle with a crown on top, looking out a window in an expensive looking box, even though it costs £6.46.
Apparently it is inspired by a drink made of raspberries that King Louis XIV had in 1685 when he visited Chateux Chambord:
in the Loire Valley in France.
I think it would be fun to design adverts that incorporate the super spangly packaging, and the french chateux(s?) with gilded text, turrets, crowns and spiral staircases.

Turrets on top of the Chateau:

The only screen based advert i can find for Chambord is this one:

It's to be shown in Toni & Guy over the Christmas period of this year. Bit too classy and simple for my taste. I'd prefer some more tack like the bottle. But I suppose for an advert in a hairdressers it needs to not be too annoying or distracting.

Poster advert. "21st Century"