Front of the box
This is a screenshot of all the files I've saved so far of the front of the box. The font I have used to spell 'Hipp0s' is similar to the font used on 'Coco Pops', which has the same target audience as my Hippos. I changed the name from Harry Os to make it more simple, and so there's a reason for the picture of the purple hippopotomous (even though coco monkey or tony the tiger or anyone don't make much sense anyway) The first and most recent version is nearly finished, I just need to add the weight and a short description of the cereal.
Back of the box
On the back of the box I want to have a large nutritional information section for parents, about how healthy Hippos are, on one half, and the other half for the childeren. I've put a little did you know bubble, but I might include a wordsearch or maze or something, to make it a bit more interesting for childeren.
In the parent's healthy section I've used natural colours, and purple, to give it a natural look, and green ticks on the bullet points, similar to the ticks on Cheerios packaging, to signify that the cereal is good for childeren and the right thing to buy. The childish scribble effect on the background was nice, but made it a bit hard to read, so I will have to tone it down or revert to the plain version (bottom row).
Front, Side, Back
Without checking the dimensions, i have quickly put this together to check that the colours and shapes will work when the faces are mapped to a 3D box. I've also added the logo on the side of the box as I had planned in my sketchbook.
Alternative fronts
Experiments with different colours and layouts. The pastel colours in the top row I don't think would work on a cereal packet, as usually cereal is in bold, warm coloured boxes. And I prefer the way the hippo looks like he's eating the cereal in the original design.